Tuesday, August 19, 2014


3.1.    Study Methods
3.1.1.    Study Population
This study covers the total 322 adolescents of Bhojpur VDC of Bhojpur district. (CBS, 2011)
3.1.2.    Data Collection
The study was mainly being based on primary data. The Adolescents respondents (10-19) selected for the interview were the main source of information. Pre-tested modified structured and semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Direct personal interview method was used to collect the required information from the respondents.
3.1.3.    Sampling
According to the 2011 census 322 adolescents live in Bhojpur VDC. First of all 322 adolescents were listed. On the basis of systematic random sampling method, only 107 adolescents out of 322 were enumerated. The researcher himself visited the field and adolescents' schools. The samplings are taken from the following schools:
Name of Schools    Sources of information
    Boys    Girls
Sagarmatha Higher Secondary School    11    12
Unique United Secondary School    15    11
Siddhakali Secondary School    13    12
Biddhodya Higher Secondary School     18    15
3.1.4.    Source of Data
The main source of the data of this study is primary source which is generated by using the quantitative technique. But for the analytical study, the data from secondary sources have been used. The information has been collected from survey which was being conducted from 15 May to 13 June 2013.
3.1.5.    Questioners
Pre- coded, open-ended, semi structured and structured questionnaire was used for information collection. The questionnaire was designed to obtain the information about individual characteristics, socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the respondents and knowledge and issue of reproductive health among the adolescents. 
3.1.6.    Data Processing and Analysis
Data processing and analysis is the most important part of research. This researcher used the following tools for data processing and analysis:
3.1.7.    Data Entry and Processing
The analysis was simply being based on descriptive type of analysis. The frequency tables, cross tabulation and per centage were utilized for data analysis and interpretation. Data were edited and cross tabulation was analyzed by using SPSS. Frequency tables, means tables and cross tabulation were the analytical tools for the examination of the relationship between the variables.
3.1.8.    Ethical Consideration
All ethical issues related to research involving human subjects were addressed as possible according to the guidelines of Tribhuvan University of Nepal. The purposed participants were given free opportunity to receive summary information of study in writing before taking consent and taking part in the interview of research. Participants' refuse and withdraw from the study any time was accepted. Confidentiality of the participants was maintained. All questionnaire and ethical documents were translated into Nepali script.

This study was a descriptive cross sectional study with the objective to examine the level of knowledge and practice on reproductive health among adolescent of Bhojpur VDC at Bhojpur, Nepal. This Chapter includes the statistical presentation of the results as statistical data. Data are presented in table, text and figure.
The entire results of the study have been presented under the headings such as socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge on reproductive health, knowledge on reproductive health elements, association between demographic factors and knowledge on RH, use of family planning devices ,knowledge on safe abortion facilities, knowledge and practice on adolescents, knowledge on sexually transmitted infections, access of knowledge on reproductive health, sources of knowledge on reproductive health, can school education provide sufficient knowledge on RH ?

4.1.    Socio-demographic Characteristics
The demographic characteristics of the respondents were as follows:

4.1.1.    Age and Sex
The two characteristics of the population that receive the most attention in the demographic analysis are age and sex. Age and sex composition of a population is important in demographic analysis for various reasons. Age and sex determine knowledge and attitudes about reproductive health. In order to know the age and sex of respondents, the question is asked about it and distribution of the respondents obtained from field work is presented. 

Table Distribution of respondents by age and sex
Age group (Years)    Sex    Total
    Male    Female   
    Number    Percent    Number    Percent    Number    Percent
10-14     44    41.1    40    37.4    84    78.5
15-19     13    12.1    10    9.3    23    21.5
Total    57    53.3    50    46.7    107    100.0
Source: Field Survey, 2013
In the study all together 107 students aged 10 – 19 years were taken as sample among the sample mean age of the respondent was 13.90 years. Similarly median age was 14 years.
4.1.2.    Cast/Ethnicity    
Ethnicity is another factor which determines knowledge and practice on reproductive health in every society and community. Although societies are converting into modern ones, we can see the traces of traditional practices in Nepalese society. Therefore, it is necessary to know the composition of respondents by caste.
Table Distribution of respondents by cast/ethnicity
Cast/Ethnicity    Sex    Total
    Male    Female   
    Number    Percent    Number    Percent    Number    Percent
Chhettri    15    26.3    12    24.7    27    25.2
Rai    9    15.8    15    30.0    24    22.4
Tamang    10    17.5    8    16.0    18    16.8
Newar    7    12.3    7    14.0    14    13.1
Brahmin    6    10.5    4    8.0    10    9.3
Others    7    12.3    3    6.0    10    9.3
Sarki    3    5.3    0    0.0    3    2.8
Kami    0    0.0    1    2.0    1    0.9
Total    57    100.0    50    100.0    107    100.0
Source: Filed Study 2013
Table gives the information on the caste and ethnicity of the respondents. The total respondents fall into eight caste/ethnic group, among them the highest numbers of respondents are Chhettri 25.2 per cent followed by Rai 22.4 per cent, Tamang 16.8 per cent, Newer 13.1 per cent, Brahmin 9.3 per cent, Sarki 2.8 per cent, and Kami 0.9 per cent and other 9.35 per cent.
4.1.3.    Religion
Religion is another import social factor of RH. In the context of Nepal religion is influenced by caste system. Person's characteristics are shaped by the religion by great degree. Majority people in Nepal are Hindus, however, because of influence of western culture and social change, the proportion in the study area. To get the information of the respondents' religion, a question was asked about it. The responses obtained from them are presented below:

Figure Distribution of respondents by religion
Most of the respondents were Hindu 57 (53.30 per cent), Buddhist 33 (30.80 per cent), Kirat/Prakrit 15(40 per cent), and other 2 (1.90 per cent). Religion of the respondents is shown in figure
Among 107 adolescents (respondents) 3 (2.80 per cent) were married and rest 104 (97.20 per cent) were unmarried.
4.1.4.    Education Status
Education is one of the most important factors which can play the crucial role for the dignity and prosperity of the nation. It directly or indirectly affects the demographic variables such as fertility, mortality and migration and socio-economic variables such as health condition, living standard, income, occupation and so many aspects of human life. In fact, it is only one indicator which can depict the drape of real image of various socio-economic status of a community.
Education is very important factor for people's well-being. Education helps in practical change of the people's knowledge and many other attitudes. The level of education they have and their level of knowledge are closely related. In this study education level of respondents was found as follows:
Table Distribution of respondents by level of education
Grade    Frequency    Per cent
6    6    5.6
7    6    5.6
8    18    16.8
9    35    32.7
10    42    39.3
Total    107    100.0
Source: Source: Filed Study, 2013
Majority of respondents 42 (39.30 per cent) were from grade 10 and others 6 (5.60 per cent) were from grade 6 and 7.
4.1.5.    Main income Source of Family
The occupation of the respondents is divided into three categories: agriculture, non-agricultural sector. Occupation of respondents is also an important factor that determines their income source and living standard. The main income sources of the respondents were as follows.

Table Distribution of respondent family by income source
Income source of respondent family    Frequency    Per cent
Farming    37    34.58
Job (private and government)    35    32.71
Business    18    16.82
Labor    12    11.21
Job seeking    1    0.93
Foreign employment    1    0.93
House wife    1    0.93
others    1    0.93
Total    107    100.0
Source: Filed Study, 2013
This title indicates also the occupation of the guardian. Most of respondents 37 (34.6 per cent) were from the family that were depended on agriculture. Likewise respondents engaged in non-agriculture sector (job both government and private) were 35 (32.7 per cent), business 18 (16.8 per cent), labor 12 (11.2 per cent), foreign employment 1 (0.9 per cent), house wife 1 (0.9 per cent) and others 1 (0.9 per cent).  Source of income is shown in Table
4.1.6.    Facilities at Home
A household facility indicates the economic status of the household. The respondents were asked to specify whether they had the household facilities, such as radio, television, solar, electricity telephone and so on. The result is presented below:
Table Distribution of respondents by access to facilities
Facilities    Access of facilities
    Number    Percent    Number    Percent
Radio    99    92.5    8    7.5
Television    74    69.2    33    30.8
Solar    53    49.5    54    50.5
Electricity    86    80.4    21    19.6
Telephone    63    58.39    44    41.1
Source: Filed Study, 2013
According to table majorities of the respondents (92.5 per cent) reported that they have radio facility at their home followed by 86 per cent having electricity, 74 per cent television, 63 per cent telephone and 53 per cent having solar facility at their home.
Radio and television play vital role in providing knowledge of various sectors to people. They become the sources of knowledge and skill to children as well as adults and may bring drastic changes in their life.
In conclusion, development of knowledge and practice of an individual depends on the facilities in which s/he develops. Information level of an individual is determined by the socio-demographic characteristics. The conclusion of this study discovered that the characteristics of the respondents such as age and sex, caste/ethnicity, religion, educational status, income source of family, facilities at home etc. are average. Other some are at low level. To uplift the low areas access of the adolescents to appropriate information and education should be made easier. The state policy on adolescents should be inclusive in terms of caste/ethnicity, language, sex, class, social status and so on to improve the reproductive health status of adolescents.

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